Monday, January 16, 2012

Scripture Songs for FREE

I found these scripture songs a while back and they have been a huge blessing to us. The boys and I have memorized all the songs on the "His Workmanship" CD. This family is so talented and the songs on this album are free for download!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Noun and Verb Game

My second grader and I have been studying nouns and verbs ad nauseam. So, this week it was time for him to take a little test to make sure everything is firmly planted. My poor boy! He looked at the test like it was in Swahili. Needless to say, he had no clue despite hours of study.

So, what is a mom to do? Well, the first thing...I started drilling him everywhere. He now knows all the nouns in Target, the car, alongside the road and everywhere else we have been this week.

I still was not convinced he really understood nouns and verbs, so I decided to look online for a game. I found this wonderful website! It is called ABCya. It has some really great games for PK-5. My son spent some time doing the Ice Cream Talk game and it was really helpful for him. In addition, my kindergartener also enjoyed some of the games. This will be a frequently visited website at our house from now on.

"How is a Star Formed"

This is a great video on YouTube to help your children understand how a star is formed. My boys were particularly fond of the quotation "Our universe has gas". The video has great visuals and is short enough to keep the attention of a seven and five year old.