Monday, July 26, 2010

"Get in the car, we're going to church!"

It's true, I dressed us up in our finest church clothes, lunch in tow and headed to church. Now, when I say fine church clothes, I am talking about worn out shorts and tee shirts. These clothes suit us fine for church. I have never been critized for dressing poorly or not paying the correct respect. In fact, I don't have to pay to visit my church at all. The church is solely funded by God. He asks for no tithe to attend. Many people avoid church for various reasons; guilt, feeling judged, not fitting in... I have never once felt any of these feelings in my church. Acceptance, oneness and awe are the only feelings that enter my heart in church. The best thing about my church is that no matter where you live, there is a church nearby.

I hope that you will consider visiting my church. It was created by God
himself and it is complete perfection. The church is called Nature and it reaches my soul more than any other church I have attended (and there have been many). I am deeply happy for those people that have found their salvation in churches created by man. In some ways I am jealous. They have community and cookouts. For me, God has always been in Nature. I have never been able to feel his presence in a church. So, if you are having problems of faith, please consider my church.

Salvation is waiting.

"A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm, waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm like worship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, their songs never cease. Every hidden cell is throbbing with music and life, every fiber thrilling like harp strings, while incense is ever flowing from the balsam bells and leaves. No wonder the hills and groves were God's first temples, and the more they are cut down and hewn into cathedrals and churches, the farther off and dimmer seems the Lord himself."
— John Muir

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thoughts on Excess and Cucumbers

Last night, in lieu of sleep, I was laying in bed contemplating excess. How much of our lives are lead in the pursuit of things? Things, which bring fleeting joy. We all know it is true, yet it does not deter our conceentrated pursuit of more. And, why are we not concerned with our excess? How much do we really need? Lately, I have been feeling like all those little extras are slowing drowning me.

So, how do we rid ourselves of excess? Personally, I would like to start with my tupperware cabinet. Everytime I open that cabinet tupperware falls out all over the floor. I can't find lids that match bottoms; I can't find anything in that cabinet. So, what do I do? I use a baggie or plastic wrap. A whole cabinet filled with things that I cannot use nor part with. Why can't I part with my overabundance of tupperware? Do I have some genetic flaw? Well, that is a good question.

No, I will tell you why. The reason is that my husband and I disagree on excess. I would like to rid our house of all that is useless and joy depleting. However, my husband is a conservationist and believes that all should be saved for some greater purpose down the road.

So, what does this have to do with cucumbers? Well, I planted cucumbers this year and the plant is thriving. Each day I am blessed with more cucumbers. I am not sure what I will do with all the cucumbers. I will probably can them. Anyway, my point is that each cucumber is a gift from that plant. Each cucumber brings me joy, because my family and I cared for and nutured that plant. We dedicated our time to caring for nature/life and we have been rewarded with abundance.

If we must have excess, should we not try to achieve an excess of cucumbers...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Repurposed Mom

After thirty two years, I am convinced that each day is an opportunity to examine our lives and make corrections as needed. I have made a big correction in the direction of my life. For seven years, I worked for a company whose goals and focus were in contrast to the beliefs I hold. As a result, I was plagued by dissonance and depression. I remained at the job due to money and I kicked myself each day for my shortsightedness. Money is important for survival, but how much do we really need?? Is it worth trading your soul?

This blog is the ongoing story of my journey from an inauthentic life to living free.