Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Advent For a Newbie

I have recently started attending a Methodist church with the short, cute Johnson boy bears. Oops, sorry mommy talk momment. Anyway, we love the church. The people are very friendly, the bible study class uses a guidebook and they tolerate questions really well. Thank you again to C.S. Lewis for talking to me about Christianity in a way that I can understand. I truly believe that God had a hand in the selection of that book. I really must stop digressing...

So, back to the point. The Methodists talk about Advent in a very serious and thought provoking way. I have been nodding and looking really reflective during every mention of Advent. The fact is, I had no idea what they were talking about. I mean no clue. How embarrassing!

I was raised in a nice, conservative, southern baptist church; how can it be that I have never heard of Advent? This reminds me of the first time I saw someone wearing ash on their forehead during Ash Wednesday. I believe the scenerio went something like this- (me) "Hey, you got a little somethin' on your head" (poor other person) "Huh?" (me) "Yep, come closer, let me get that for you". Well, it was all down hill from there. Anyway, I did not want a repeat of that little situation at my new church, so I done educated myself.

Tune in tomorrow for what I learned about Advent and my plans for sharing it with the little fellas.

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